A Life for God and a Heart for Others, Reflection

by Jan 30, 2017Blog, What we do0 comments

A Life for God and a Heart for Others

Thousands of men and women who have been educated and shaped in the classrooms of our congregation are doing good deeds today. Hundreds of women cared for by our Sisters have broken the chain of AIDS transmission or have been empowered for the sake of themselves and their families. Dying and sick have been comforted by their hands, while the children have discovered hope in their voice.

These are just a few examples of the invaluable work of our Sisters all around the world, a work that is reflected in the slogan of our congregation: “A life for God and a heart for others.” They embody the saving and healing presence of Jesus Christ on earth, making tangible their love and mercy.

Our Sisters are chosen, and following that particular call made by God to His children, they decide to devote their lives to the Lord and dedicate their time to help others, using their talents with love. With presence in Chile, Colombia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Tanzania, the United States and Zambia, their service is generous and contributes in the construction of a dwelling of God on earth.

The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word make the world a better place through their various education programs ranging from pre-schools to university; through the comprehensive health system that includes hospices, community clinics and hospitals; and specialized programs in the full development of infants, care for migrants, the elderly and other vulnerable populations.

Some Sisters dedicate their lives to strengthen the development of faith, promoting the care of creating and empowering people (especially women and children), while others put themselves at risk in combating human trafficking and denouncing the economical and social systems that encourage them, reaffirming the importance of working in favor of dignity and human rights.

It would be impossible to mention all the activities they fulfill and the accomplishments they have made in such brief space. It is sufficient to recognize that their vocation of prayer and service leads them to become consolation for the afflicted, encouragement for the evicted and the example for the apprentice. If their health permits, they often stay in their Ministries until the end, sharing the joys, illusions, sadness and the anguish of today’s men, women and children.

Their journey, by the hand of Jesus, is the most beautiful, most generous and most committed testimony of devotion.


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