As Catholic Christians, we believe in everlasting life, resurrection, and we participate in the resurrection, we believe, because of the gratuitous love of God, and God’s desire to be united with each one of us, now, and always – the Incarnation, God uniting Godself to us through the person of Jesus.

The nagging question is, but what about those who don’t believe? Is the resurrection for them too? Yes! God’s love and desire to be united with all creation, is not limited. The Incarnation is for everyone, every creature, the Cosmos itself.

This we have preached always; read Paul’s words from his letter to the Romans: “Those who have never been told of him shall see, and those who have never heard of him shall understand.”

Paul is quoting Isaiah (52:15). The prophet’s words are meant to console and give hope to the Israelites suffering persecution. We hear these words in the context of the Incarnation, in the fact of Jesus’ existence, and what he preached with this life and with his words. Jesus came for all.

“Those who have never been told of him shall see, and those who have never heard of him shall understand.”


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On the header, photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash.


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