“In uncertainty, we are not called to be in control, we are called to have faith. ” St. John Paul II.
COVID-19’s global pandemic is also transforming the educational practices of the CCVI Schools in Mexico. Faced with the announcement of the suspension of face-to-face classes and the instruction to start distance education, managers and teachers implemented the new modality amid the urgency and uncertainty of this moment.
The great challenge is not only to move on with the development of academic programs, but to continue fulfilling the CCVI Mission, the question is how to continue fostering relationships, promoting values and living our spirituality in the midst of this crisis that affects us all and requires us drastic changes.
We take advantage of this space to share with you how our school communities strive to continue the Mission.
Teachers deliver virtual classes and request papers and projects through various technological resources. In turn, students from preschool to high school take classes, do homework or interact with their teachers, using their computers or electronic devices and with the support of their parents. (On the left picture below, we can see the desk of a third-grade elementary school student from Instituto Miguel Ángel in full remote interaction, and on the right side, a screen showing high school students in a class via Zoom, also from the same school.)
Teachers and Principals have continuous virtual meetings with their teams to organize, evaluate and monitor activities remotely, they also publish communications and materials periodically to keep parents informed, just as the video sent by Colegio Central shows us. Likewise, academic coordinators and principals supervise and accompany teachers in their daily work. (On the left picture below, there are images of Centro Educativo Santa Catarina Elementary School’ Principal, in the middle of a meeting with her teachers and on the right, students working at home.)
Psychologists advise parents and teachers to overcome the emotional difficulties generated by the new circumstances.
Pastoral teams, in addition to working on their programmatic contents, disseminate reflections and activities to create an atmosphere of faith and hope that strengthens CCVI spirituality at all times. On March 25, they organized activities to join the Incarnate Word celebration from home and with their families, in addition, they have continually shared resources to live Easter more fully. Some samples of what Colegio Mexicano has done can be seen on:
- https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2844925982242453&id=230544483680629
- https://www.facebook.com/ColegioMexicanoMonterrey/photos/a.266195573448853/2862707990464252/?type=3&theater
Finally, it fills us with satisfaction that the staff at the schools have shown great commitment to adapt to the new reality, since they have had to double their efforts to offer the best possible service remotely and at the same time attend to their own children during the workday.
“That hope might not be extinguished and if fear interferes, may peace get in the way through prayer”.