Journey of Reconciliation: Good Friday

by Apr 8, 2020Blog, Liturgy, Reflections0 comments

By Adriana Calzada, CCVI

Jesus is on the cross, an instrument of torture and death. We are told that this is the act that reconciles us forever with the Father. We feel deep pain as we contemplate the scene. We remember that what reconciles is not the crucifixion itself but the lifestyle that led him to be on the cross. He taught us that we must put the little ones first, that we must love those who are despised, that forgiveness reaches everyone. He taught us that His Reign is not of this world and that justice, the common good, solidarity, love are its values. He taught us that it is by returning to our essence that we are more like how God dreamed of us. Let us remain today at the foot of the cross of Jesus, let us remain at the foot of the cross of those who suffer today and be in solidarity with their pain and anguish. Today, we embrace human suffering in an act of reconciliation with our human family.

Click here to read more reflections on Lent and the Journey of Reconciliation.




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