Our Lady of Mount Carmel

by Jul 16, 2020Blog, Liturgy, Spiritual Resources2 comments

Today is the feat of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Hermits lived on Mount Carmel near the Fountain of Elijah in northern Israel in the 12th century. They had a chapel dedicated to Our Lady. By the 13th century they became known as “Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” They soon celebrated a special Mass and Office in honor of Mary. In 1726, it became a celebration of the universal Church under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The Carmelites were known from early on as “Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” The title suggests that they saw Mary not only as “mother,” but also as “sister.” The word sister is a reminder that Mary is very close to us. She is the daughter of God and therefore can help us be authentic daughters and sons of God. She also can help us grow in appreciation of being sisters and brothers to one another. She leads us to a new realization that all human beings belong to the family of God. When such a conviction grows, there is hope that the human race can find its way to peace.


Text source: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/our-lady-of-mount-carmel/ Obtained from https://www.ccvichapel.org/post/our-lady-of-mount-carmel-nuestra-se%C3%B1ora-del-monte-carmelo

On the header, “The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel” painted by unknown artist.


  1. Thomas DeFreitas

    Beautiful and informative reflection, Sisters. Thank you for sharing. Carmelite spirituality is so vital to the church, whether it be St John of the Cross or the Little Flower or any one of countless other saintly souls. I especially liked hearing about the term “brothers” being used in relation to Our Lady! Thanks again.

    • Amormeus

      Thanks for your message, Thomas! We appreciate it and we will consider it to continue writing reflections of your interest.


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