
by Jun 8, 2019Blog, Liturgy0 comments


The setting of today’s Gospel (John 20:19-23) is Jesus’ last discourse to his disciples, at the table with them the night before he died. Jesus promises to send the Spirit, an Advocate on their behalf, the Spirit of truth. Read the passage, and note that the intimate workings between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are how the disciples are drawn into this by the power of the Spirit at work in their lives. On their part, the disciples must receive what the Spirit declares to them and testify on Jesus’ behalf.

The Spirit unleashes a twofold energy within us: the Spirit draws us into Christ and sends us out to proclaim Christ to the world. Jesus breathes on the disciples and ushers in a new creation, enabling the disciple to take up Jesus’ work. Clearly, the gift of the Spirit is for the sake of Jesus’ mission: “so I send you… Receive the Holy Spirit.” Moreover, Pentecost is not simply a one-time event that takes place on Easter evening (in John’s Gospel).

Pentecost – the coming of the Spirit- happens each time we do the works of God and manifest the Spirit for the benefit of all. Through the indwelling of the Spirit, we are able to carry on Jesus’ saving mission, for the Spirit recreates us in Jesus’ image and empowers us to live the Gospel faithfully.

Infused into every part of life to be made manifest in our daily lives, Jesus gives us each a great protector. Because of this, we are powerful beings in Christ. Harness this beautiful power and accept your ability to truly make a difference in bold and beautiful ways. We are blessed to serve.

Questions to Ponder

  • Who might you be called to serve?
  • How might you serve?
  • What do you see as the connection between your service to others, and making the kingdom and life of Jesus alive, now?


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