Let Your Light Shine

by Jan 5, 2021Blog, Spiritual Resources0 comments

Today’s Gospel is Mark’s account of the feeding of the 5,000. It’s a bit discombobulating to read about Jesus’ public life, so soon after we have celebrated His birth. One commentator makes a bit of sense of this when he points out that “being in the company of Jesus, listening to him, they (the 5,000 who had followed him to that hilltop) discovered or better understood their divine origin, their connectedness, their human rights, and their potentiality. He unveiled to them their greatness! He had a way to make a person his or her most shining self” (Joseph Donders, With Hearts on Fire).

Our most shining self is the light of Christ we carry. It is the on-going Incarnation, and Epiphany. Let your light shine!



Obtained from https://www.ccvichapel.org/post/let-your-light-shine

On the header, photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash.


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