We are all called to belong to the church because, in the end, we are the church, the community that our Lord Jesus Christ founded.

YOU, young man and young woman, have a very important role in this family!

Our role is to invite others to belong to our church: to love our neighbor as ourselves, to give what we lack and not what we have leftover, to believe in a world full of peace, fraternity, and happiness giving ourselves to prayer. It is in the church where we are in communion. We are in different places, in diverse communities and realities, demonstrating that our faith keeps us active and with all the desire to continue working as a team for others.

Pope Francis invites young people to build a social friendship, seeking the common good leaving aside differences and beginning to find common ground among us, to join efforts to seek the peace that is good for all.

In Jesus, we, young people can recognize each other. Jesus taught us to be brave; we have seen in him a faithful love with his disciples. In the same way, like us, he experienced feeling misunderstood. Jesus teaches us today to abandon ourselves in the safe hands of the Father and the force of the Spirit.

We understand that the role of young people in the church is vital. For this reason, we agreed at our last SURGE meeting to contribute together our grain of sand.


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