Ways in Which You Can Support The Sisters

Help Provide Quality Care And Adequate Resources To Our Sisters During Their Retirement Years.

Caring for our elder members in retirement is a priority for us, and has placed a heavy burden on our financial resources. Your gift can help with some of the housing and medical needs required by the sisters.

A monthly gift of just $20 can provide Annual Dental Care for a sister.
A monthly gift of just $35 can provide for a pair of eye glasses or Home Medical Care for a sister.

A One-time gift of $40 can provide an annual eye examination for a sister.

Help provide Independent Living Housing with Amenities through a monthly gift of $100 or any amount that fits your budget.
A One-time gift of $500 can provide one year of spiritual growth and enhancement for a sister through retreats, books and lecture series.

Thank you for your support.

Your gift is very important to us. If you have questions in regards to making a gift or would like a member of our Development Team to contact you, please email us at development@amormeus.org.

Thank you for helping to provide quality care and resources for all of our sisters during their retirement years, while also ensuring the continuance of our mission into the future.