Jubilarians Mexico

by Jun 7, 2022Blog, What we do0 comments

The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word of Mexico gave thanks to the Lord during the Eucharistic Celebration for the 60, 50 and 25 years of Religious Consecration of our Sisters:

60 years: Sister Luz de Lourdes Gómez Águila, Sister Leonor Pedraza García, Sister María Laura Soto Pereda and Sister María de Lourdes Urrutia Chávez;

50 years: Sister Yolanda Montellano González;

25 years: Sister Sandra Mayela Morales.

It took place on the eve of Pentecost, on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at noon in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word of Casa San Ángel, Mexico City.

The Eucharist was presided over by Fr. Alejandro Maldonado, SVD. And Sister Tere Maya, CCVI, offered a few words.


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