Ministry in Mexico: CCVI School System

by May 21, 2017Blog, Education0 comments

Colegios CCVI

By Antonia Hernández.

The CCVI Education Assembly from May 4-7 was held in Casa Lago in order to foster a more reflective planning process regarding our future, and to help identify and apply ways in which our CCVI Schools might live the Mission today. Over 100 educators attended the Assembly.

The event was attended by Sisters and lay persons representative of the education communities of our eight schools; we were also accompanied by representatives of the General Leadership Team, the Ministry Council and the Education Coordination Team.

We began the session with an Opening Ritual centered on the figure of Claude Marie Dubuis, which helped to prepare us to
visualize the future, while examining the present against the experience of the past.

During the next two days, we continued to develop a program of lectures, dynamics, reports and activities to share our experiences, in order to achieve the specific objectives of the Assembly:

  • Reflect on the Spirituality of Claude Marie Dubuis.
  • Identify strategies to face the Challenges of Catholic Education.
  • Visualize the main challenges for the School, when facing the social reality of the 21stCentury.
  • Evaluate the application and usefulness of the CCVI Education Project 15-18.
  • Talk about the Work of the Education Ministry from 2015 to 2017.
  • Analyze how strategic thought helps to “discover opportunities in the real world”, and transform them into objectives.

During the closure and the evaluation, the participants expressed their satisfaction for the experiences lived and their decision to continue to make efforts to follow the lines that orient the Mission of the Ministry.

“A human being solves his problems by discovering opportunities; we must not focus on weaknesses, but on supporting what is strong in us.”


Colegios CCVI


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