We all are called

by Apr 29, 2022Blog, Reflections, What we do0 comments

1. Leadership of being sisters to one another

Leadership in terms of responsibility for the charisma, and the mission is for all of us and not only for those who will be elected. For this reason, we must support each other in this leadership, trusting that God works in each one of us, and God’s Grace works through each one of us.

A leadership of presence and communion first reminds us that ‘I am a sister to my sisters’, that we are called to be a sister to one another. That is the call of all of us, let us never forget it.

Within all of us, there is a great desire to feel like one single body, to have communion, and communication, and to embrace diversity, with all that this implies.

We want an accompanying leadership, walking side by side, no one in front and no one behind, but all united. The accompaniment is that way of being a leader also together. It is conversation and dialogue with deep listening, even without agreeing, we are sisters.

And as leaders to honor the presence of God in all people and all things, these are not simple words, they are very profound. This leadership of all of us as a body demands that we honor the presence of God in each one of us and in everything. Being a sister to one another is to honor the presence of God in each agreement, in each applause for achievements, and even when we are totally against each other’s thinking. An awareness of walking together in leadership as sisters.

2. A leadership that embraces intergenerational, intercultural diversity and its tensions

The tensions represent an invitation and if there are tensions among us it is due to diversity, of a cultural, intergenerational nature and that is something to celebrate, to pay attention to the beauty of this diversity.

We are happy about the different ways we see and do things, but at the same time, it is a source of tension. And being a sister to my sisters does not mean that we agree on everything but, rather, how we honor and respect one another in diversity. I may not agree, but you are my sister, I don’t like what you do, but you are my sister…your culture clashes with mine, but still, you are my sister.

The qualities that are asked of us as leaders are the quality of embracing, promoting, and celebrating our diversity. It is a great challenge that requires great appreciation. We are all aware of the importance of being bicultural, and bilingual. Today, leadership is calling us to embrace our diversity and intergenerationality.

This requires the ability to affirm. We affirm enough with each other: we are all leaders. It is a call not to judge but rather to affirm. Affirm our diversity and the challenges this implies.

3. Leadership is directing relationships, collaborations, and networking in the spirit of synodality and discernment

Leadership works through collaboration, networks, relationships, and cooperation. We all have to do everything, working in networks, being directed through collaboration is a call for all. Nurturing relationships and co-responsibility in synodality and, together with synodality, through personal and community discernment.

The Spirit inspired a Chapter focused on what the world needs today, a leadership of presence and communion, and that is what is required of us.

4. A leadership beyond the hour

We have many urgent situations to solve today, but as we lead together, we need to continue with the help of the Holy Spirit to lead beyond today into the future.

Creativity, openness to the new, being positive in a negative environment, being flexible, being resilient, taking risks, making difficult decisions… all these qualities are characteristic of leadership towards the future, beyond the urgency of the hour.

What gives us the courage and strength to take this risk is if we don’t know how to respond now, there may be no future. What gives us courage and strength is to lead beyond today, with our eyes on the future. If we don’t do what needs to be done today, when? If not now, when?

Leadership requires going beyond the hour, which means letting go, embracing change without knowing what the future holds, making tough decisions, being flexible, open to the new, and inspiring creativity in each other.

It is a leadership with a vision that if we do not do something now, even if it is difficult, there will be consequences in our future. We are all looking for opportunities to collaborate for the future of our missions. Although it is difficult, we have to abandon what is familiar to us to be open to the new and enter the dawn of the future, all together.

Walking, listening, encouraging us all together, being compassionate, and being sisters one to another. Embrace, promote, and celebrate our diversity and its tensions. Work in synodal collaboration and in constant discernment. We are all called to live today, but with a vision towards the future, being creative by taking risks, making tough decisions, but acting today for our future, with profound changes in the way we are sisters to one another and in the leadership of our mission and vision.



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