Today we share this poem by Sister Marichui Bringas for our daily reflection.


By Sister Marichui Bringas
I’ve looked for you O God
in the silence
I breathe deeper and deeper
and the breath of life talks to me about you.
I seek silence
to meet you
and the deafening beat of my heart
reveals your presence.
I look for you in the silence of the garden
and the light breeze screams your presence at me
the birds flying, the reddish cardinal
sing your melody.
I look for you in the silence of the sky
and the clouds are moving
dropping the beautiful rain,
happy and bouncing.
I look for you in the silence
and everything screams your presence
you invite me to discover you
moving in every living being.
All in silence
it is grace, it is harmony,
it is fulfillment, it is praise, it is beauty
and yet you are not quite there.
I look for you in the silence
at the dying’s bedside
that far from attracting me wants to make me run
and yet I stay, because there you are.
In the silence of the one who suffers,
in the silence of the seed that dies to give life
in the silence of the flower that opens to give beauty
in the silence in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
In the silent witness of our journey.
And every silence that screams your pain, your passion.
Silent witness to the life that is brewing.
Silent at the moment of your resurrection.
Lord of silence and life
our master.
Hear in your silence the clamor of our world.
Hear our prayers
That in your silence
we find the way back home
our inner place
the one we leave to wander.
But how to be silent
if my own heart interrupts the movement
of a joyous dance
with your hidden presence.
May the silence of your presence
give us light to return to the lost path.
May your silence guide me.
May your silence flood me. Amen.


Originally published on


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