Voices of thanks

by Jul 28, 2020Blog, What we do0 comments

Reflections on our sacred spaces:

Sister Sofía Mamani CCVI (Peruvian)

An Indigenous perspective

What does it mean for me to take care of God’s creation?

Nature has always spoken to be about God. God speaks to me through nature.
As a matter of fact, the most fundamental moments in my life were confirmed in the midst of the beauty of God’s creation.
The destruction and exploitation of Earth is painful for me, and I’m aware that it urgently needs help from our hands. It is urgent for us to give it care. Every action is important.

Headwaters, what does this space tell you?

I had the privilege of knowing Headwaters in 2007. From the moment I knew it, I always visit that sacred place. Being there fills me with energy. It is a sacred place because it connects many people with what is essential. I’m happy to see people visiting it. I feel full of gratitude when I know that many volunteers collaborate in taking care of it and in protecting it.
When you contemplate the water, you can feel in your own body the motion of life. In Headwaters, you can be aware that life is a spring. We are fortunate. We are blessed because we are taking care of this area with love and respect.

Sister Petrita Peña CCVI (Mexican)

Promoter of Ecological Projects

What does taking care of God’s creation mean to me?

Creation is a gift from God. I am convinced that Earth is the most beautiful and lovely gift that God has given humanity. God gave it to us to take care of it, to treat it with respect and to love it.
There is something we can do each day to take care of it, because loving God’s creation is collaborating and caring for what is good, especially for those who are more vulnerable. This is a dynamic and joint process, as we can see when organic fertilizers, such as composts and/or earthworms, connect with the ground. All of us should get together and help Earth to continue producing its fruits.

It is urgent for us to have a healthy world. LAUDATO SI reminds us that all of us, as persons, can do something to protect the Earth that has been entrusted to us, because as Saint John says, Jesus has come for us “to have life and have it in abundance.”

Headwaters, what does this space tell you?

I have not had the experience of knowing this space; however, I know that it is an ecological reserve which fosters life. I am convinced that every action and every space devoted to preserve nature fosters our love for God. So, for me, Headwaters is a blessing because we are taking care of a small piece of God’s creation. This is a space that undoubtedly promotes ecological relations and interaction. It is the answer of our commitment to take care of our common home in San Antonio. It is our way to protect the cycle of life.
To me, taking care of creation means having an attitude of respect, reverence and gratitude for the gift of Mother Earth and for all the beings that are part of it, starting with people, and consider that all of them as sacred companions on the journey.
For me, Headwaters is a sanctuary where we try to restore the beauty of nature and where many volunteers cultivate and care for nature so this area can be a space that fosters life, health and energy for those who visit it.
We invite you to read some volunteer experiences on https://www.headwaters-iw.org/voices-from-the-field


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