Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Apostolate

by Jul 5, 2022Blog, What we do0 comments

Thanks to the fact that Coronavirus Pandemic decreased in intensity and the National Institute of Cardiology stopped attending such cases, its Directors decided to authorize the return of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Apostolate.

It was necessary to set up a small office at the Annex Building of the hospice for the Sanctuary, the Reliquaries and all the formats and books.

Therefore, from the second fortnight of March on, compliance with an established protocol began to minimize the risks of contagion, for MESAC Volunteers and for the patients in the Hospital when receiving the service and the Apostolate was resumed.

During these two months, since this Apostolate resumed, the results have been very positive, both for the sick and for the Ministers, probably because the Pandemic caused an environment of greater fear and a threat to health in the hospital environment. As for the patients, they have made contact with their fragility and greater closeness, affectivity and emotionality are benefited for a patient-Minister dialogue, so that tears are easily shed by patients upon receiving Jesus Incarnate Word in Communion and thus receiving their Peace and Comfort.

Needless to say, this very sensitive environment that is generated is equally significant for MESAC because our apostolate is also listening to patients and sometimes listening to their families, evangelizing, guiding and seeking compassion and mercy.

The staff of the Institute has expressed their joy at seeing the Ministers again, collaborating in the spiritual health of the patients.
Regarding statistics, daily Communions are between 20 and 30 patients, and 10 requests for Confession.

Thank God, there has been weekly support for Confessions and monthly support for the Consecration of the hosts from Tlalpan’s Parish Father Marcelo Ramírez, who has not left patients alone at any time, despite pandemic.

In summary, although it may seem strange, MESAC Apostolate at the National Institute of Cardiology has been reborn with unexpected brilliance thanks to the Pandemic.

After many years as MESAC, at the end of my service at the Cardiology Hospital last week, something happened to me, something that had never happened to me. Suddenly, inspiration to sing silently welled up inside me: “There’s no god as great as you, O Lord, O Lord, my God. There’s no god who works the mighty wonders, all the wonders that you do.”

Incarnate Word Apostles

MESAC at the National Institute of Cardiology Dr. Ignacio Chávez.



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