Journey of Reconciliation: Fourth Sunday of Lent

by Mar 20, 2020Blog, Liturgy, Reflections0 comments

By Adriana Calzada, CCVI

The Gospel this Sunday offers us the opportunity to do an exercise of reconciliation based on our senses. Jesus uses his saliva, uses the earth and makes mud. The clay has a special texture, it feels fresh, we can smell and touch it. Jesus smears the clay with his hands on the blind man’s eyes, touching it, molding it between his fingers, with his hands. Our body is full of possibilities by opening the door to endless sensorial experiences. Today, let us carry out a reconciliation exercise accompanied by Jesus, allowing him to touch us and letting his hands rest on our bodies. Let’s identify those smells, flavors, sounds that transport us to experiences that have left us marked, especially hurt and that need to be healed. Let Jesus touch them today with his hands and he will heal them. Let us discover them, offer them, weep them and free ourselves from them.

Click here to read more reflections on Lent and the Journey of Reconciliation.




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