So many things keep me from prayer, Lord

by Apr 1, 2020Blog, Prayer, Spiritual Resources0 comments

Pause for a few minutes each day for prayer and reflection… Today we share with you ‘So many things keep me from prayer, Lord.’

So many things keep me from prayer, Lord

So many things keep me from prayer, Lord,
even in these troubled times…

So many things, large and small,
pull me in a dozen different directions
and slowly, surely, my time for prayer
slips to the bottom of my list of things to do
and then I’m too tired or I forget,
or I’m too worried or afraid,
too distracted, out of sorts,
to find a quiet place, a quiet time
to find the peace I long for…

And now, as never before, Lord,
I have the time, I can find a place,
I really need the peace…

Who doesn’t want peace, Lord?
Who doesn’t want a breather, a break,
some respite from the worries and bad news
that every day can bring?

So many things keep me from prayer, Lord,
and what keeps me from prayer keeps me from you
and what keeps me from you, keeps me from hope
and what keeps me from hope, keeps me from peace…

Help me to turn to you in prayer each day, Lord,
especially in these troubled times:
help me set aside the time to be with you,
help me find a quiet place to stop, to sit, to breathe,
to close my eyes and seek your presence
at my side and in my heart…

Slow me down, I pray, Lord,
and in your quiet presence,
with your grace
and in your peace,
draw me close to you in prayer
today and every day,
one day at a time…



Original Source: Blog – A Concord Pastor Comments. Obtained from:


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