Tag: Community

A new challenge: The face of Jesus Incarnate Word

A new challenge: The face of Jesus Incarnate Word

Last Tuesday, February 21, our Peregrinas de Jesús, María y José Community of Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, attended the Hogar de la Misericordia to do an apostolate, where elderly people with various conditions and terminal illnesses are hosted.

This institution is run by the Trinitarian Carmelite Allied Sisters who, with the support of doctors, nurses, therapists, cooks, drivers and janitors, care for the elderly residents. At this site, they are provided with shelter, clothing, food, medical assistance, physical therapies, and other services.

The purpose of attending this Home is to share quality time with those who need us the most, while we spend some time having fun and relaxing with them, while we also bring them the items of personal hygiene that they require and obtain as prizes when playing lottery, an activity highly enjoyed by the elderly.

Our Lord Jesus Christ suffering in the persons of a multitude of sick and infirm of every kind seeks relief at your hands.”

It is here, where in each of the elderly we visit, we see the face of Jesus Incarnate Word reflected, and remembering the words printed in the founding letter of Bishop Claude Marie Dubuis, we bring to life that calling of our sisters and brothers in need.



Preparing for What is to Come

Preparing for What is to Come

In our tradition, the daily scriptures we begin reading now are preparing us for what is to come: the Feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the followers of Jesus, and the Church was born. The passages we read from John’s Gospel are commonly referred to as Jesus’ farewell discourse, given to his disciples immediately before he is arrested and taken to be crucified. He speaks of how we will relate to him, and what is the pattern of the believer’s life. All of it is grounded in community and expressed in terms of how we love.

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Incarnate Word Family Supports Immigrants

Incarnate Word Family Supports Immigrants

In these challenging political times, let us remember the strength of life and community. In light of immigrants and refugees who seek to enter the United States, Incarnate Word Sisters, Staff, Associates, past and present students of UIW, people working as interns with Incarnate Word Foundation in St. Louis, and people associated with the CCVI Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee gather with others holding up international law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and principals of Catholic Social Teaching on the dignity of human beings. UIW students concerned about vulnerable children who are suffering have been gathering resources to help them.

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