Day of the Dead celebration at IHI

by Dec 5, 2022Blog, Education0 comments

The IHI educational community celebrated the Day of the Dead with many external and internal activities aimed at preserving Mexican traditions and, above all, remembering our faithful departed.

Externally, on October 28 and 29, we participated in the ‘Xantolo in your city’ festivities, an event organized by the State Government of San Luis Potosi, the Ministry of Public Education, and the Ministry of Culture. Xantolo is a festivity of the Huasteca Potosina that represents the sacred union between the living and the dead. IHI collaborated in the creation of a monumental pantheon located in Plaza del Carmen, which is one of the busiest in the Historic Center. We got to make a replica of the tomb of ‘Juan del Jarro’, a legendary character in S.L.P.  Likewise, during the parade of allegorical floats ‘Xantolo’, our Junior High and High School students, as well as School Directors, actively and enthusiastically participated in the dances. For this activity, the school bus was decorated with the Day of the Dead theme. In both activities we had the opportunity to share our educational offer with many families of San Luis Potosi.

The following activities were carried out within the school:

The Preschool team made an ‘Altar in Honor of Walt Disney’, educators put great effort into the creation and design of the altar, as well as in preparing the little ones with the “speech” that they presented to the visitors. The youngest members of IHI were surprising, as they showed much self-confidence when telling the lower-elementary groups who was Walt Disney and what he liked the most.

For its part, Elementary organized a ‘Catrines and Catrinas Contest’, where participating students showed off their characterization, showing confidence when presenting their ‘Calaverita’ in the school auditorium to the elementary and high school groups.

Junior High organized the ‘Festival Between Life and Death’, this event was coordinated by the department’s directors with the support of arts teachers. The staging included dancing, theater and singing. Teachers organized the students in such a way that they all participated in one of the mentioned areas with great results, as the festival excited and pleased all the attendees.

High School conducted the ‘Altar Contest’ where all groups participated. Each of them selected the character to whom they would dedicate their altar, researching general aspects of their lives to be included. They all participated in the design, assembly, and demonstration of the altars. Judges considered several aspects to determine the winner, such as the presence of all the elements of an altar, the participation of the entire group, and the characterization.

All these activities were carried out with the active participate of the entire educational community, thus promoting the integration and bonding of students, in addition to keeping our traditions alive.

Students, parents, and school collaborators enjoyed all the activities and demonstrations.




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