Eucharist for the 85th Anniversary of Instituto Hispano Inglés

by Oct 31, 2022Blog, Education0 comments

On the 15th of October 2022, the community of Instituto Hispano Inglés gathered around the Lord’s table to thank the benefits received throughout the 85 years of our school.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Mons. Jesús Carlos Cabrero Romero, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of San Luis Potosí, in the Temple of Our Lady of Remedies in this capital.

The emotional ceremony marked the beginning of the jubilee year for the founding of our institute.

As a CCVI family, we celebrate this event, where through education, the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word have responded to the needs of society, in favor of the children and youth of San Luis Potosí.

During the homily, Mons. Jesús Carlos recalled the reasons why the school was created and urged that we never forget its reason for being and existing as a Catholic institution; promoting Christian values and commitment to society through service and empathy, which is the language of the Incarnation.

With the fresh mind of a child, Mons. Jesús Carlos recalled the experiences that marked him as a child, as he is a former student of Instituto Hispano Inglés, and thanked God for the CCVI Sisters who were his teachers.

He invited the Parents present to educate their children with the love and respect Jesus the Incarnate Word has for his children. Similarly, he asked the sons and daughters to be an example of love and respect for their parents.

We thank the families of our community for joining us in this thanksgiving, and with hope we ask that the mission of our beloved institute to continue being light and path for our society in San Luis Potosí. Congratulations, IHI!



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