Tag: Chapel of the Incarnate Word

Call to Mourning and Lament

Call to Mourning and Lament

LCWR (The Leadership Conference of Women Religious) is partnering with other faith leaders calling for all people to spend time during the weekend of May 29-31 to lament and mourn the 100,000 persons who will have died in the United States from COVID-19, and to pause at noon on June 1 to honor the deceased.

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Humility is the quality of being humble. Humility comes from the Latin word humilis, which literally means low. Someone who spends his or her life taking care of others shows humility. Although it’s related to humiliation (which makes you feel low in a bad way), humility is usually used to talk about a lack of ego.

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Self Control

Self Control

The gift of self-control enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they’ll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises.

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Gentleness is defined in many places and ways, but basically, it is being intentionally kind, compassionate, and humble towards others, especially when they are facing struggle or difficulty.

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