Tag: Fratelli Tutti

Human Dignity Knows No Borders

Human Dignity Knows No Borders

The CCVI Migrant, Immigrant, and Refugee Network in order to promote educational opportunities that broaden current and historical perspectives of the global migration crisis and the people impacted by movement and upheaval, presents a series of Webinars entitled: “Globalizing Compassion, Cooperation and Solidarity”.  “Human dignity knows no borders”, was the second webinar focusing on Pope Francis’ teaching on immigration at Fratelli Tutti.

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CCVI Schools: “A Heart Open to the Whole World”

CCVI Schools: “A Heart Open to the Whole World”

Within the framework of the congregational network group on Migrants, Immigrants, and Refugees, the eight CCVI schools in Mexico, called a contest under the inspiration of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti to invite the family of the Incarnate Word and the entire community to participate in the next webinar on February 24, with the title “A Heart Open to the Whole World”.

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