Finding Humanity: July 15 – 21

by Jul 20, 2020Blog, Finding Humanity in crisis0 comments

In the midst of this crisis in which we live, we want to share with you some good weekly news, news of hope, important or simple acts and gestures that unite us as a community of men and women of faith-driven by the force of hope.


The “Pope Francis” Hospital Ship joins the fight against COVID-19

The “Pope Francis Hospital Ship” brings medical equipment and assistance to coronavirus-hit communities along the Amazon river.

Click here to read the complete article.


Two webinars offer a broader vision of religious life in the West

The story of the journey of the disciples to Emmaus best reflects the times we are in, according to Sr. Jolanda Kafka, general superior of the Claretian Missionary Sisters and president of the International Union of Superiors General, and Fr. Arturo Sosa, Society of Jesus and president of the Union of Superiors General. Kafka and Sosa issued a summary letter June 29 on the joint meeting of their two organizations that took place in late May.

Click here to read the complete article.


How a viral wedding video spawned a support platform for interracial couples

Teenage sweethearts Michelle and Amit Patel launched a support platform for interracial couples after their wedding went viral. Two childhood sweethearts from Croydon have become role-models for interracial couples worldwide after a wedding video, which has attracted over 2m views, helped them launch a popular support platform on social media.

Click here to read the complete article.


Pink wheels and hot meals: the mobile network helping people through the pandemic

Giffgaff’s goodybank initiative channels phone credit and funds towards communities adversely affected by the pandemic. During the lockdown, the residents of Bingham, Nottinghamshire could be forgiven for rubbing their eyes in astonishment as a pink tuk-tuk rasped past, Union Jack billowing from one side.

Click here to read the complete article.


On the header, Bishop Bernardo Bahlmann distributes medical equipment brought on the Amazon River by the “Pope Francis” Hospital Ship and its crew on


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