CCVI JPIC Office: Statement on Gun Violence

CCVI JPIC Office: Statement on Gun Violence

The Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word extend our deepest sympathies to all those impacted by the most recent school shooting in our country, this time in Santa Fe, TX. As a Congregation that seeks to incarnate the healing and saving love of God in the world, we stand strong in our commitment to Gospel nonviolence and lament the rampant and senseless violence plaguing our society today.

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To heal, to teach, to serve—the ministries of the CCVI* Sisters

To heal, to teach, to serve—the ministries of the CCVI* Sisters

Our mission centers on making concrete the healing love of Jesus, the Incarnate Word; our ministries enable us to carry out this mission. The Gospels remind us that Jesus healed the sick; our hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics and outpatient centers, and hospice ministries exist to deliver compassionate, high quality health care that embodies our values and respects the dignity and worth of each person.

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